Our meeting is so unique that we have never doubted God's hand in it. Though we had known about each other our entire lives, we had never met face to face. Watching each other grow up in pictures, neither of us would have ever suspected that we would eventually want to spend the rest of our lives together.
I can honestly say that I didn't want to meet him and he wasn't any more interested in meeting me. We knew that we had been put into each other's lives at just the perfect time. We were both desperate for a friendship that only God could fulfill and, though the beginning was tough, it was soon obvious that we filled that role for each other. I don't know when he knew, but for me, it was the day he held my hand while I shopped for my first house. I was sure he was mine at that point.

I grew up at Hermitage Presbyterian Church in Hermitage (Nashville), Tennessee, and, since we both have family on opposite sides of the state, we knew it would be a great middle ground. Jim Moran is my pastor there and he has watched me grow up since I graduated high school, so he obviously has seen me through many phases of my life.

Thank you is not enough for the love that you give us so freely. We could not do this without you.