Well, we first met at ECU in May of 2004. Drew was in two for a Navy Club Soccer Tournament and the guys ate at Hooters, where I worked. However, I wasn't the one who waited on them, my friend, Lindsey, was and she invited me over that evening to take them out and show them around town. We started to go out with everyone, but one of his friends couldn't get into the club due to the strict dress code, so Noelle and I just told them we could go back to our apartment and just chill. And that's what we did. Afterwards, we stayed in touch via AIM and the phone.
When I moved to Florida, we lost touch for quite a while. I would call him every once in a while just to say, "Hey," but he hardly answered on those few occassions. We also played AIM tag here and there, but I didn't get on it regularly enough to actually have a good conversation with him. So we basically didn't talk for about 2 years.
THEN...one day, just before my 22nd birthday, I decided to get online and see who was on before I went to class. He was online, but he had an away message up. I decided to shoot him a message saying Hi and that it had been too long since we talked so he should message me whenever he got a chance. WELL, I then decided to take my laptop to class (the one and only time ever) and low and behold he came back and messaged me while I was in class. I was very sneaky and actually held a quick Instant Message conversation with him. In short, he told me he was living in Pensacola, I freaked out that he hadn't gotten in touch with me sooner, I told him about the party plans for my b-day, and we made plans to meet up a few days after my birthday to have dinner.
Needless to say, we met up...at Olive Garden (Italian food...go figure)....and Ted was with him. Afterwards, we went to a Navy house party...where I also got to see Nick Eppers again (I met him when I met Drew) for the first time since we met. We had a blast and started talking A LOT from that day forward. We pretty much hung out every day for the next few weeks, until he had to leave for Corpus. After he left, we made plans for me to go visit him at the beginning of November...this was when we became an official couple. Then we joked about me moving in with him after finals and taking all online courses....but this turned into what really happened! =) The only time we have lived apart since was my last semester (Fall 07) of school, and that was only because we thought he was going to get helios when I put in my request for student teaching.
Here we are now! Happier than ever! =)

We are planning on having our wedding on the beach as close to the hotel as possible. I should only be a short walk up the street. Since the reception is going to be at the hotel, you can just plan to park there. The wedding will begin at 2:00 in the afternoon. We will be taking part in Catholic wedding rituals/traditions as Drew is Catholic, so it will probably be a full mass (which means about an hour ceremony...I think). We plan on having roughly 60 seats and plenty of standing room available for our guests. We also plan on having bottled water and paint brush foot dusters available for all guests.

The reception will be held at the Key West Center of the Holiday Inn Harbourside. It is a separate building from the hotel. Coctail hour will begin roughly at 3:30 p.m. because we are alloting time for freshening up after being on the beach. The wedding party can be expected to arrive around 4:30 and the food will be blessed close to 5:00. It will be a plated dinner, so we will need your selections prior to the event. Be ready to dance the night away after dinner!

We will get a discounted rate for rooms at the Holiday Inn Harbourside, and I will post these as soon as I know them. =)

We look forward to sharing our special day with each and every one of you! =)