Our best friends Vicki and Lucas mainly brought us together. We started going to the same church together and would see eachother on the weekends at our normal hangout. Gumby played football and stephanie went to some of the games. We dated on and off until we finally decided for sure we wanted to be with eachother for the rest of our lives. Gumby asked Stephanie to marry him the day after her birthday at Taco Bell..which is the place they met, hung out, and ate with eachother almost every wednesday after church. We both love sports, going places, and working with children who have disabilities! It's great laughing with eachother since we both have great personalities and can't wait to spend the rest or our lives together. We plan to finish college and settle down after that with jobs!

We decided to get married at Family Christian Center in Defiance, Ohio because that is the place where both of us have grown closer to God in a time we've been together. We're both very active in the church and love being together every step of the way. All we can say for now is that the wedding will be held on August 4, 2007, so we have a while to prepare!

We will be having our reception at the UAW hall in Defiance, Ohio because that is where Stephanie's dad and step-mom had their wedding reception, as well as Gumby's cousins Ashlee and Shawn. Gumby's grandfather is also a proud member and that helps with costs as well because we try to work with what we have, which is always good!

We have waited a long time to finally share this day with our loving friends and family. We hope you all enjoy the great day and feel free to visit with us as much as you like, though our schedule may be somewhat busy. God has brought us together in miraculous ways and we hope he will Bless you all each and every day! God Bless!